The vegetables in our world - BRESOV to engage with primary and secondary school children

November 24, 2019 — November 30, 2019
Vila Real, Portugal

From 24th to 30th November 2019 BRESOV partner UTAD will engage with young students of Primary (6-10 years old) and Secondary School (12-18 years old) as an activity in the scope of the ‘Science&Technology Week 2019’ (

In primary schools, BRESOV researchers will develop activities in basic teaching showing the diversity of vegetables, demonstrating their magic shapes and colours from different plant parts (roots, leaves, fruits, flowers and seeds ) and how they can be eaten, and the major benefits when we consume them, focusing on beans, tomatoes and broccoli. Young children will be aware to the importance of vegetables in their food and also of vegetables production in a friendly agriculture.

Additionally, BRESOV researchers will give lectures in secondary schools about the importance of crop’s genetic resources diversity in agriculture and human nutrition and how organic agriculture can contribute for the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals such as: reduce environmental impacts from food production; halt the loss of biodiversity and improve water quality by reducing pollution.

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